Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You were wrong, you were right

There's one thing the world will never take away from anybody, and that would be something we call free will.

The ability to think for yourself, to make your own mistakes, to go your own way. Yes, without this we would all have been robots, living the same lives and doing the same things over and over again...

So, what do we do with this gift? How do we use it to our own advantage? Why are we issued with our own unique free will?

A lot of questions for a Thursday morning...

Well, the simple answer is, even though you are wrong, you are right. Does this make sense to you? No? Let me explain...

Think about all the mistakes you've made in your life by following your free will. Think about what happened, how you reacted, how others reacted. I presume it's not a pretty picture, right? Now, turn the coin around...

All of those mistakes, all the times you bumped your head, did you get something out of it? Besides the embarrassment and the endless lectures you might have received, what did you get out of it? If anything, you might have learnt something. You might have met someone. you might have learnt a new part of someone or even yourself, you might have even realise something you never would've known. Think!

And now you'll understand when I say that even if you were wrong, you were right. Everything we do, everyone we know, everything leads to the place you will end up someday, whether you like it or not. As long as you are truthful to yourself and open about your feelings to others.

We're so creative, so much more...

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